Welcome to Secret Beaded Wefts™️(SBW) online training program. We are so excited to have you join our family at Scarlett Hair Academy !
Before we can release the training material to you, please ensure that you have read and understood the below information and that by proceeding you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of SBW.
1. You may NOT post or repost any pictures or videos of SBW beadwork, foundation or stitching patterns or discuss SBW techniques on internet sites or forum groups, other than those owned by SBW. Also, You may NOT under any circumstance share, copy, post or reproduce any content from this site to another site. This includes any Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, internet chat sites or stylist forums that you might be a member of. "Approved pictures and videos will be provided and discussed in your certification material and mentoring sessions." * 2. You must be a SBW Certified Educator before you can teach SBW. Viewing SBW material or becoming certified in SBW does NOT authorize you to teach, discuss or disclose any of the information you gain from your mentor, SBW owned media sites or apps. * 3. Any attempt to reverse engineer or tweak the SBW method and proprietary info to “make it your own” and then attempt to teach or promote a new secret, hidden or invisible method in competition with SBW is prohibited and considered a direct violation of this user agreement. * 4. You may NOT share your password and give anyone else access to this education portal. We track IP addresses on computers and mobile devices and match them to user ID's. Essentially, we will be alerted if you are sharing your password and you will be immediately locked out of the system and lose any certification status. * 5. You are NOT authorized to advertise or market that you are CERTIFIED in SBW or offer SBW extensions until your certification is complete. If SHEA finds that you are offering SBW and charging for it as a service before your certification is complete you will be removed from the program without a refund. You are free to let everyone know that you are in the program and will be offering SBW once you have completed the proper training. Doing so can result in being kicked out of the program. You MAY post pictures approved by your mentor during the education process. After certification is complete and you would like to post pictures (excluding those that show SBW trade secrets listed above) and promote the method you learned at SBW and tag @scarletthair.academy and @scarletthair * 6. In order to protect our brand and ensure consistency on our stylist locator map, all SBW certified stylists are recommended to charge $200/row as the standard price for an installation. SBW certified students MUST charge a MINIMUM of $75/row. If a SBW certified stylist is found charging under $75/row, you will be removed from our map with the possibility of having your certification revoked. * 7. Our stylist locator drives large amounts of traffic to our SBW stylists. If a guest goes to an SBW stylist and asks for SBW to be installed and the stylist installs another method and then tells the guest that they are getting SBW… the stylist will have their certification revoked and be removed from the stylist map. * 8. We have implemented these standards to protect your investment as one of our valued stylists, as well as the integrity, image, and content produced by SBW. SBW reserves the sole right to revoke the certification of any stylist to protect the image and brand of SBW. You agree that any infraction of the above would damage the integrity of this program and cause financial as well as reputational harm to SBW and its stylists and you will be held legally liable.